ACR Awards

ACR recognizes the work of individuals who have made major contributions to the scholarly study of consumer behavior or to the organization of ACR. Recognition includes the following:

This award, instituted in 1979 recognizes the career contributions of ACR individuals, preferably during their lifetime for "significant impact on scholarly work in consumer behavior.”ACR Fellows receive free lifetime membership into ACR. The Fellows Nominating Committee forwards nominees to the Board of Directors, who select the awardees. The year after the selection, the recipient of the ACR Fellow award receives a plaque and is invited to make a speech at the annual meeting. 

ACR-Sheth Foundation Dissertation Award:
The ACR-Sheth Foundation Dissertation awards are intended for dissertations in the areas of public purpose or cross-cultural research. ACR’s Sheth Foundation liaison manages the process of soliciting nominations, reviewing the submissions, and determining the winners. Each winner receives a plaque and a financial award funded by the Sheth Foundation.

ACR Distinguished Service Award:
Established in 1989, this award “recognizes the dedication and devotion of a member who has served the  organization with the energy and generosity beyond the call of duty.” The award “expresses the Association's  deepest gratitude to one who has helped its members in ways that have built a stronger community of scientists  and scholars in the field of consumer research." The award is given at intervals corresponding to significant anniversaries of the association--say, for example, the 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th, etc. It is given using exactly the same procedure that characterizes the Fellows Award--i.e. via nominations from the Fellows Committee and selection by the full Board of Directors. The ACR Distinguished Service Award is completely independent from the Fellows Award in the sense that (a) it rests on different criteria (service vs. scholarship) and (b) the same person could, in theory, win both awards (but preferably not in the same year).

Franco Nicosia Best Competitive Paper Award:
Established in 1998, the Franco Nicosia Best Competitive Paper Award is presented to the author/s of the best competitive paper presented at the North American conference. The winners, selected by the conference chairs, receive a plaque and a financial award funded by the Sheth Foundation.

ACR/Sheth Foundation Long-Term Contribution Award:
This award is presented once every three years to honor the long-term contribution of an article that has had the greatest impact on the discipline. Each winner receives a plaque and a financial award funded by the Sheth Foundation

ACR Early Career Award:
Established in 2010, this award recognized contributions to consumer research by someone who received his/her Ph.D. within the last eight years. Each year, a panel of three ACR members is appointed by the ACR President to serve as a selection committee. The panel solicits nominations from the ACR membership and selects one or more recipients of the award for their scholarly contributions to the field of consumer research. Criteria used to determine contribution include innovation, methodological rigor, and the potential to substantially advance our understanding of consumer behavior. The winner receives a plaque and a financial award.