
Below are a set of links designed to guide you to relevant organizations that study issues related to consumer behavior, funding sources, and the job market for Ph.D.s. We encourage anyone to let us know if you believe that additional links should be added. Simply send email to our Website Editor. It would be most helpful if you could provide the following information:

(1) the name of the organization (2) the URL (3) a short description of what is on the site (4) a description of which of the following constituents you believe this website might be most relevant (i.e., consumers,marketers, public policy makers, academic researchers, PhD students, or professors engaged in teaching). We do not entertain requests from non-academic or for-profit entities for listing.

Position Openings

Marketing Phd Jobs (run by Ethan Pew) provides an aggregated listing of publicly announced openings for marketing phds and a public list of candidates in the market:

Scholarly Organizations

Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)

American Academy of Advertising (AAA)

American Economic Association (AEA)

American Management Association (AMA)

American Marketing Association (AMA)

American Psychological Association (APA)

American Statistical Association (ASA) 

Association for Psychological Science 

Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)

Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM)

Marketing Science Institute (MSI)

Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP)

Society for Economic Anthropology (SEA)

Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM)


Competitive Funding Sources

Alden G. Clayton Dissertation Award

American Academy of Advertising Doctoral Dissertation Competition

American Psychological Association Dissertation Award

American Psychological Society Student Grant Program

Fordham University Pricing Doctoral Dissertation Competition


Grants from American Psychological Association

National Science Foundation